Blood pressure continued to increase in about about adults on the earth. Among the risk groups, arterial hypertension is a person over 40 years old, mainly men. Representatives of the opposite sex also suffered from this disease, but less than older. Among women, arterial hypertension usually occurs during menopausal periods. This is due to the imbalance of hormones in the body, and this is a sex hormone produced by the stop using the ovarian sex hormone.
Fortunately, modern medicine has a wide range of cardiac drug weapons, allowing you to control the blood pressure of patients, thereby preventing the development of cardiovascular disasters and improving the quality of life and prognosis of patients. At the same time, the patient's lifestyle has played an important role in the effectiveness of treatment. In the case of all diseases, it is recommended to refuse bad habits, weight loss, moderate physical exercise, and restricted salt consumption at the table.

What is arterial hypertension
This is the continued increase in systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure higher than 130 and 80 mm Hg. It can be independent (essential hypertension) and is performed within the framework of other diseases.
Hundreds of blood vessels that change and lose their functions will affect the work of the entire cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is important that the blood pressure continues to rise to 130/80 mm HG to contact doctors or heart disease experts to check and select drugs to control blood pressure regularly.
According to the pressure indicators, the arterial hypertension is distinguished by 3 degrees. The first feature is that the systolic blood pressure increases to 160 mm HG. Art, diastolic pressure -up to 100 mm HG. Art. The second feature is the maximum indicator of 180 mm and 110 mm HG. Art, the third time -more than 180, more than 110 mm HG. Art. respectively. During the diagnosis, only one indicator is enough to allow doctors to diagnose arterial hypertension and determine their degree.
There is no detailed list of factors that cause this disease, but scientists try to directly depend on the direct dependence of arterial hypertension on certain diseases, diseases and habits, including:
- Genetic tendency;
- Long -term pressure;
- Excessive weight;
- Historically diabetes and other endocrine disorders;
- Kidney disease, adrenal glands;
- Age -related circulation system changes;
- Too much consumption;
- Use hormone contraception;
- Abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking;
- Unpredictable vascular shrinkage nasal droplets, coffee abuse.
- Lack of physical exercise;
- In old age.
Because the vascular adaptation of hypertension, the patient may not have symptoms of any arterial hypertension and suffer from long syndrome. Can distinguish the characteristics of the disease, headache, non -systematic dizziness. You can also observe the "flies" in the eyes, tide, fast heartbeat, nasal bleeding, and noise in the ears.
The signs listed above may be more or less, it depends on the individual characteristics of the human body. However, regardless of the degree of performance, it is necessary to seek medical help in any case to make blood pressure normal, carefully check and prescribe treatment.
If the pathology is not accompanied by any symptoms, it does not mean that it is not dangerous and will not affect the condition of the blood vessel wall. In order to detect the asymptomatic hypertension from the risk group, it is recommended to use Tonometer to control the pressure regularly.
Blood pressure rose to 140 x 90 mm HG. Art and clinical symptoms in the form of headache, shortness of breath, heart pain, and nasal bleeding should be caused by ambulance. Hypertrophic crisis is a complication that requires emergency medical services. Without this situation, the state can obtain the characteristics of threatening life and lead to serious complications and even patient death.

First of all, when there is suspicious symptoms, it is important to visit the therapist or heart disease expert. In the initial appointment, the doctor carefully checked the patient, measured blood pressure and collected anatomy.
Experts clarify the necessary information to determine the inspection and treatment strategy. It includes accompanied by chronic diseases, drugs, adverse habits, genetics of cardiovascular disease, and physical exercise of patients.
The doctor then stipulated laboratory and tool research. It is recommended to use clinical schemes to guide patients for general clinical tests for blood and urine to determine glucose, electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, sodium), lipid section indicators, creatinine, urea, uric acid, TSH hormones, T3 and T4 freedom levels. Evaluate the function of thyroid.
ECG must be performed, ultrasonic heart -motion, daily blood pressure monitoring (MAMD). Send the patient to the doctor's ophthalmologist to check the bloody blood vessels. The existence of retinal vascular disease is one of its most important diagnostic standards for high blood pressure.
Arterial hypertension treatment
The direction of treatment depends on the level of arterial hypertension, the severity of the country, the causes of pathological and other factors. First of all, it is important to change the lifestyle: give up bad habits, take regular training or walk in fresh air for a long time, and then give up a lot of salt. But in most cases, patients need to use drugs regularly and daily blood pressure monitoring.
In some cases, surgical intervention (for example, tumors in adrenal glands). If the pathological process is secondary (the result of the disease), the main disease should be eliminated.
Recommended drug
Develop a treatment plan for each patient. Usually, the following methods are used for treatment:
- ACE inhibitor. This drug reduces stress by reducing the total peripheral vascular resistance. It was the first batch of drugs and released according to the doctor's prescription.
- The antagonist of the vascular tension II receptor has a similar mechanism of action, which specifies the tolerance of the ACE inhibitor or in the case of its contraindications.
- Beta-black. They work due to the blocking of the β1-adrenaline receptor in the heart. This leads to changes in cardiac nerve dominance, the frequency and intensity of cardiac contraction decreased, and the pressure is reduced. At the same time, the priority of patients with arrhythmia.
- Calcium antagonist. Their main characteristics are the movement that can inhibit calcium to the cell structure reversible. The drug's drug is released according to the doctor's prescription.
- sedative. Display stress caused by arterial hypertension. Plants' safety drugs include Novopassit, Mother Ute, Valeri plant extract, and tablets.
- Some vitamin minerals and additives may be useful.
There are contraindications. Need to consult an expert.
All drugs, dose and duration duration shall be determined by the attending doctor. Most drugs are released in the pharmacy only according to the recipe, because the use of uncontrolled control will cause serious adverse reactions until death.
The clinical recommendations for preventing arterial hypertension are related to all factors that may cause the development of pathological processes. First of all, it is recommended to minimize stress, abandon bad habits, monitor weight, restrict the salt, sharp, spicy products, and regularly monitor stress indicators, especially if there is a risk factors related to hereditary hypertension.
If the necessary hypertension has been diagnosed, the patient's regular intake of antihypertensive drugs will be performed, and the blood pressure control is performed. According to the current clinical plan<130/80 mm hg's blood pressure target indicator